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“I highly recommend Neil to anyone who is in need of identifying the goal of their career.”
“Neil has managed to, time and again, ask the right questions that made me look at a situation from different angles. He helped me realize everything I had envisioned learning from this program.”
“Neil is a great listener and probes a lot. Those probing questions led me to think deeper than I normally would.”
“His strengths would be his ability to absorb everything you say, the balance he strikes between empathy and pragmatism, and how he presents his thoughts without ever expressing judgement or making one feel like they were wrong. He always asked the right questions, even if they were difficult ones, and those truly helped me gain perspective on many things.”
“I learned a lot about the “self” I bring to work and her unique skills, goals, and ambitions. Neil’s questions and approach invited me to take that time and devote that energy, and ultimately made me a better leader.”

Contact me to discover Your Future

Arrange an initial free consultation by using the contact form, or email directly to [email protected]